Member-only story
Why we should all harvest the benefits of ‘randoms’
“Today, some guy in a store told me I was a beautiful curvy woman,” a friend of mine recently posted on Facebook. “I just love randoms!!” Indeed, who among us doesn’t like to hearing a random compliment from a stranger (preferably with no apparent ulterior motive)? Actually the same week she wrote that, I got my own ‘random’: I was waiting in line to checkout at one of my favorite thrift stores when a man around my age stepped in front of me. I told him he was cutting in (something I mentally kicked myself for later as normally I tell people with only one item — when I have more, — to “go ahead of me” because I’m kind like that). The man who was currently getting his stuff rung up said to me, “I was trying to get YOU to cut in so I could admire you. You’re adorable.” He was just so breezy and friendly I could help but laugh and thank him for the compliment. What a sweet way to end a stressful day of shopping!
We can, and should, all harvest the positive benefits of randoms, otherwise known as random acts of kindness, including compliments such as these. The positive psychological benefits are not only felt by those receiving the compliments but also we will feel good about ourselves after helping others feel good about themselves with a compliment or a kind helpful gesture such as holding a door open, or responding when someone asks directions or another…